Know one really knows for sure where the birthplace of the day originated, but President Lyndon Johnson officially told Americans that Waterloo, New York was probably the birthplace of this day. They first celebrated the day on May 5th 1866 and made it an annual celebration ever since by placing flowers or flags on the graves of those who gave their lives to protect our country.
Some in Congress, and many Military organizations, are trying to get the day observed as it was originally intended and that is on May 30th. Nowadays it seems like many people aren't observing this day anymore. It seems that folks are starting to forget about our brave men and woman in the armed services who do so much for this country.
The people involved in trying to get this sacred day returned to May 30th are doing so because they believe that the American public has forgotten what the true meaning of the day is all about. Since it now falls on a three day weekend most folks now take that extra day to picnic or go shopping. This is fine, but it is a day when those who have given their lives for this country should be remembered. That is what some are trying to bring back to this country.
To educate again about the "National Moment of Remembrance", and remind Americans of the true meaning, a bill was passed in 2000. This simply asks that at 3PM local time, everyone voluntarily stop whatever they are doing and observe in their own way a moment of silent respect for those fallen men and women who have given their all for their country.
It is said that when the "Moment of Remembrance" bill was passed in Dec of 2000, it was a good thing in the right direction. This is to remind people to voluntarily stop for a minute and observe Memorial Day for what is meant to be. This is a day to honor the fallen veterans so that we can show they did not die in vain.
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