Saturday, March 26, 2011

Brad Pitt's Most Impressive Acting Performances In Throughout His Career

By Fred Marcus

One of the most iconic and likable actors in Hollywood today is Brad Pitt. It is not all too often that you meet someone who doesn't like Brad Pitt. I mean, aside from the whole Jennifer Aniston fiasco, he seems like a really good guy. It also doesn't hurt that most of his movies are well selected.

There is no doubt that Brad Pitt has starred in more than five incredible movies, but this article will list my five favorites.

The first movie I will mention is the movie that almost nabbed him his first Academy Award for Best Actor in a Leading Role. That film was of course, The Curious Case Of Benjamin Button. I thought he did an incredible job in this peculiar life story.

Another great film that stars Brad Pitt is the Assassination of Jesse James By The Coward Robert Ford. Pitt plays the part of Jesse James, while Casey Affleck does an incredible job as the coward Robert Ford.

Another one of the best Brad Pitt movies is Fight Club. In my opinion, this was the role of Brad Pitt's career. I cannot think of a film character who is cooler than Tyler Durden and I don't think anyone could have pulled it off the way Pitt did.

One amazing movie that I want to mention is True Romance. Pitt was hardly the focal point in this Quentin Tarantino-written film; he played a stoner who never leaves the couch. But this still manages to be one of my favorite roles of his.

One other film that I feel the need to mention is Inglorious Basterds. This is right up there with Pulp Fiction as my favorite Quentin Tarantino film. Everything about this movie is awesome and it is surely like no other World War II movie before it.

I am sure there are some other great films that I have left off this list. Brad Pitt has enough great films to make a follow up article, so don't worry if I left off one of your favorites.

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