Heartworm is one of the most common of the parasites your dog can contract, they can become very ill and treatment is expensive. Prevention is simple and can be done inexpensively. Heartworm is passed from the bites of mosquitoes and the larvae gets into the heart. As they mature the adults block the valves. Generic heartgard is an option to consider when seeking medication for your dog.
All heartworm pills work the same, they kill the larvae and prevent them from becoming adults. They are available in chewable form to administer to your dog monthly so they can prevent infestation. They can also be administered in a liquid or hard pill form for dogs that have issues with the chewable delivery.
Your vet should administer or at least oversee your pet's medication so that they can suggest the correct dosage. Your puppy can begin taking it as young as 12 weeks. The prevention of the disease is much easier that the cure, it is more commonly contracted in warmer zones that have longer mosquito seasons. It is wise to also use medications that repel mosquitoes.
Talk to your vet before starting any medication regimen. You dog should be tested to make sure they are not already infected as the medication kills off the larvae and adult worms which can cause serious complications in an infected pet. There are also breeds that are allergic to the medication, ask your vet about your particular dog.
Considerations in heartworm medications should include that they are vet recommended or approved, the size should be approved, find out if you need a medication that also controls fleas and ticks, see if it is safe and effective, find out what the ingredients are, determine the cost, ask if there is a guarantee and what is the dosage should be. The ideal medication is easy to administer, is safe and effective and available at a reasonable cost. It should be the right dosage for the size of your pet and if applicable provide protection for the prevention of fleas and ticks.
There are many brands to choose from, some will be a better fit for your pet than others. Some of the top brands include Pro Heart6, Interceptor, Heartgard and Heartgard Plus and Filarabits. If you want to include the prevention of fleas try Sentinel and to include the control of fleas and ticks try Revolution.
Ivermectin is one of the generic heartworm pills, it's active ingredients are found in Heartgard, Valuheart, Iverhart and Trihart. It is very inexpensive. Ivermectin works against heartworms and mites and some lice. It is a broad spectrum anti-parasitic that works by changing the nervous systems and muscle function of the heartworms. It is available without a prescription.
Another pet medication that is used to prevent mosquitoes but particularly is good in the control of ticks and fleas is K9 Advantix. This medication works nearly instantly and will kill fleas within 12 hours. It is so effective that it provides long-term relief and the effects stay with your pet even after you give them a bath. Another medication that is used for your pets is Petcam. This works to control pain for a variety of diseases. Generic Heartgard Plus for Dogs and any other medications that you are giving to your dog should be approved by your vet before using.
All heartworm pills work the same, they kill the larvae and prevent them from becoming adults. They are available in chewable form to administer to your dog monthly so they can prevent infestation. They can also be administered in a liquid or hard pill form for dogs that have issues with the chewable delivery.
Your vet should administer or at least oversee your pet's medication so that they can suggest the correct dosage. Your puppy can begin taking it as young as 12 weeks. The prevention of the disease is much easier that the cure, it is more commonly contracted in warmer zones that have longer mosquito seasons. It is wise to also use medications that repel mosquitoes.
Talk to your vet before starting any medication regimen. You dog should be tested to make sure they are not already infected as the medication kills off the larvae and adult worms which can cause serious complications in an infected pet. There are also breeds that are allergic to the medication, ask your vet about your particular dog.
Considerations in heartworm medications should include that they are vet recommended or approved, the size should be approved, find out if you need a medication that also controls fleas and ticks, see if it is safe and effective, find out what the ingredients are, determine the cost, ask if there is a guarantee and what is the dosage should be. The ideal medication is easy to administer, is safe and effective and available at a reasonable cost. It should be the right dosage for the size of your pet and if applicable provide protection for the prevention of fleas and ticks.
There are many brands to choose from, some will be a better fit for your pet than others. Some of the top brands include Pro Heart6, Interceptor, Heartgard and Heartgard Plus and Filarabits. If you want to include the prevention of fleas try Sentinel and to include the control of fleas and ticks try Revolution.
Ivermectin is one of the generic heartworm pills, it's active ingredients are found in Heartgard, Valuheart, Iverhart and Trihart. It is very inexpensive. Ivermectin works against heartworms and mites and some lice. It is a broad spectrum anti-parasitic that works by changing the nervous systems and muscle function of the heartworms. It is available without a prescription.
Another pet medication that is used to prevent mosquitoes but particularly is good in the control of ticks and fleas is K9 Advantix. This medication works nearly instantly and will kill fleas within 12 hours. It is so effective that it provides long-term relief and the effects stay with your pet even after you give them a bath. Another medication that is used for your pets is Petcam. This works to control pain for a variety of diseases. Generic Heartgard Plus for Dogs and any other medications that you are giving to your dog should be approved by your vet before using.
About the Author:
Royal Pet Meds does not require a prescription for your animals Pet Medicine. Find brand name medication or save money and get safe and effective generic brands.