Friday, July 16, 2010

Winter Caravanning

By Thomas Standing

Most people mothball their caravan for the winter, putting it into storage or leaving it on the drive. Those owners are missing out on some great holiday opportunities. In most countries winter driving conditions are rarely, if ever, bad enough to make towing a caravan difficult.

Camping World With a little careful preparation you will be able enjoy your caravan all year. Start by planning a weekend away from home. It is best to pick a city break, somewhere that you can go shopping, or go to the theatre as well as on a few bracing walks. Because you will only be away for 2 or 3 nights choose a city that is relatively close to where you live, an hour or one and a half hours journey away is ideal.

Before you set out make sure that your caravan is in good condition for the journey, check that your tyres and lights are all in perfect working order. If you have any gaps around the windows get these fixed before you go. Trying to sleep in a draughty or damp caravan in the winter is nobody's idea of fun. Also get your heating serviced to make sure that it works well and is safe. Take enough gas with you and an electric heater, so that if you do run out of gas you have an alternative form of heating.

When packing take warm clothes and include something water proof. If you get wet drying out clothes in a caravan is difficult, so make sure you pack an additional change of clothes and an extra pair of shoes.

In case of a breakdown pack all the normal things, but in addition pack a torch, a spade, an ice scrapper, de-icier, some extra blankets and a fully charged mobile. If you have snow chains pack these, as well as a piece of carpet to use in case you get stuck in snow. Most people only buy their caravan breakdown cover for a few weeks or months at a time, so check that your breakdown insurance is valid for the winter as well as the summer.

About the Author:

Camping World
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