Friday, June 21, 2013

Guide To Finding Affordable Hotels In Jacmel Haiti

By Alyssa McCall

Hotels in Jacmel Haiti offer excellent shelter to visitors travelling to a country that has experienced one of the worst natural disasters ever witnessed in human history. Quality of accommodation is quickly improving considering that the supply of essential amenities like water and electricity was seriously affected during the 2010 earthquake. This notwithstanding, there are few things you need to consider before booking a hotel whether visiting Jacmel for business or pleasure.

Your aim is to get value for your money. When searching, you must ensure you settle for a hotel option that matches your needs and fits your budget. Get to know if their services meet your desired standards. Some information about their standards of service can be gained through reading customer reviews who give their experience in the facility.

Think about the hotel location. This is important depending on what you expect out of your stay in the country. Those looking to relax outside the beach or see the surrounding, they will need a facility that has a clear view of the beautiful scenery outside. They should also take the least time to get to the beach without facing any security threat.

The comfort of the hotel will be highly determined by the condition of their systems. If the air conditioners of the building are working properly and the environment is clean, quiet and from flying insects, then the quality of sleep will be good. The water supply to the rooms and the drainage system also must be functioning well for visitors to enjoy their stay in the facility.

Opt for hotels that have spacious and well furnished rooms. You do not want to spent your time in a stuffy or squeezed room where you can hardly enjoy some fresh air. It is important to let the management know if you are visiting as a group, couple or family. In such cases, one may opt for shared facilities or self-contained rooms that can accommodate all the family.

Avoid hotels that are slack in their ability to maintain cleanliness around the premise. If the compound is not well-tended, this can mean that the rooms are not good too. Every serious business knows the importance of first impression and those in hospitality industry should master such too.

The attitude of staff attending you is very crucial in making sure that you enjoy your stay in Jacmel. Attendants that are welcoming and joyful lighten the moments and make you settle faster. Above all, fast and excellent service will always delight customers. Avoid hotels where former clients complain about indifferent staff and slow services.

Today, hotels in Jacmel Haiti can be easily booked through the internet. All you need is to look for information about the hotel options and choose which suits you. For questions and concerns, you can get in touch with their personnel through the various contact avenues provided in their website. Booking in advance does not only win you discounts but can also save you last-minute rush or disappointment since the rooms can fill up.

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Benefits Of Doing Storage In Cypress TX

By Mara Boone

There are different types of storage facilities people always use to store different goods. In various situations, people would not want many items crammed in their houses. Other people would also wish to store their goods after certain event or visiting certain locations that do not allow them to go with their goods. It is quite demanding to live in a house where you store all of your items and live in the same room. You will need to have some additional space where you can store your goods correctly. If you decide to store your goods, you can employ the use of the different forms of storage in cypress TX.

The stores usually have enough spaces to fit the quantity or volume of personal merchandise you intend to keep. You would rent your storeroom space according to the quantity of goods you have. This means you never have to rent more space to keep other goods hence making great savings.

There are rooms dedicated for keeping Various antiques. You have the priority to always store and pick them anytime you want. Many of these rooms are fitted with devices that clean and free your merchandise from numerous grimes that may interfere with the cleanliness of your stored items.

In case you find that your apartments does not contain additional spaces to hold old items, it can be better you store them in these rooms. This can be the most appropriate way to care and maintain old items that can be of great use in future. It will also enable you to correctly arrange your residence with few items that fits well.

The rooms are usually spread everywhere even in the local areas. You can thus have comfort of picking your items whenever you need them. You will also have comfort since you will be sure your goods are stored in a place near your home. This allows you to always pick or drop items anytime of your wish hence quite reliable.

Many homeowners have aged items like furniture, papers, books, old toys and many more placed disorderly around their houses. To have these items in your houses can lead to attraction of dangerous animals like bugs and rats. If you have good place where these items are kept, you can be sure of a rodent free living places.

Everybody wants to live in the modern styles of life and no one would want to stay with their old-fashioned items. You will therefore sometimes buy new household items according to the new fashions. This means your house would have many different items that may make it look unpleasing. It is therefore wise you store these products on such stores to ensure a perfect living environment.

There are many other benefits you can enjoy to use when you rent the storage in Cypress TX. This can be the best way to ensure healthy living rooms as you would have enough space to fit your in-use merchandise well. With the many different stores around nearly all the places, you will have freedom to pick or drop various items anytime you want. By renting these stores, you can also be sure of safety as many rooms are fitted with mechanisms that maintain cleanliness of your items.

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How To Make A Stuffed Dinosaur

By Odessa Edwards

If one has a kid or just simply loves arts and crafts, then it would be a very fun challenge to make a stuffed dinosaur from scratch. Of course this might take a bit of time to actually make but it is definitely a lot of fun and will provide a very satisfying feeling when it is done. One may even use it as gifts to give to a nephew or the child of a friend.

Now it is always hard to create something if there is absolutely no reference or model to somehow follow. So it is always best to search first for a template on how to make toy dinosaurs. One may find one of these templates in a bookstore or probably over the internet for easier access.

If one has already determined what kind of design he would want for his creation, then the next step would be to gather some good materials and the fabric that would be good for the process. Now when he gets to the store, he will be choosing from different colors ranging from purple, blue, red, and more. He must just always keep in mind that he should always buy a good and sturdy fabric that does not get torn easily.

When all of the materials have been gathered, now would be the time to sew up the stuffed toy by making use of the template. Now one may either choose to use a sewing machine or do it the manual way by using a needle and thread. Now if one would use a sewing machine, he can finish faster but if he uses a needle and thread, he will be able to pay attention to some details. It is up to him to choose which method he would want.

Now when one is making the toy, he should always leave a small hole somewhere. The purpose of this small hole is so that one has a place to put the stuffing. When one is starting, he should then always follow the pattern diligently.

Once the whole thing is sewn up, take the stuffing and put it inside the hole. The whole toy should be filled with the stuffing so that it is nice to hug. When that is done, cover up the small hole quickly so that the stuffing does not fall out.

Lastly, check it for any stray holes that were not dealt with earlier while in the sewing process. If there are any holes or small openings, sew them up with a needle and thread so that the stuffing will not come out. If there are any stray threads that are sticking out, cut them out so that they do not show.

So as one can see, making a stuffed dinosaur is quite easy but will take some time. However, it can be a really fun hobby and can even be turned into a business. Those who are business minded will probably open up their own shop selling these stuffed toys.

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Tips For Choosing A RV Storage Near Houston

By Margarita Joseph

If you own a recreational vehicle, you have to ensure that it is protected from vandalism and the harsh elements of the weather. You may need an alternative place to park this vehicle because of the rules of your neighborhood or if your home does not have enough space. Getting a reliable facility is very important if you want your investment to be protected. Here are some tips for finding the right RV storage near Houston.

You have to decide whether you want to store the vehicle outdoors or indoors. Some companies can provide indoor facilities that are large enough for campers or RVs but these are usually more costly. You have to consider if you actually need to keep it indoors. If you are concerned about harsh weather, it will be better to choose indoor parking.

Find out the level of access that you will be given to your property. A number of these facilities permit owners to come only during certain periods in the day while others allow 24 hour access. If you plan to make early morning trips, you will need an access policy that is more flexible. Your journey will be delayed if the vehicle cannot be collected at the right time.

The level of security that is provided should be considered. The ideal RV storage near Houston will have comprehensive video coverage of the entire area. Partial video surveillance will create a loop hole that can be explored by thieves. Make sure you choose a company that provides a better level of security.

Insurance is another issue that you must be clear about. In order to be very sure of your position, you must find out if your vehicle is covered. Take time to compare the policy provided by the parking place and the one from your insurer. This is a good way to be sure that you have the best deal.

Before you select the RV storage near Houston, try to review the prices of some of them. Even though the monthly prices difference might not be much, there are one or two companies that can give you more incentives. For example, you could get discounts when you sign up for a certain number of months. Some may also offer you the first month free of charge.

You can also find out the different benefits that you will be given. There will be some variation in the perks that are offered from one facility to another. Some companies can give you a complete wash each time you want to pick up your RV. Battery and tire pressure can also be checked for you. A sewage tank may also be available so you can dump sewage easily.

A recreational vehicle is a priced possession for a lot of individuals. It is therefore important to be sure that it is kept in a safe place. When you follow these tips, you will be able to locate a dependable RV storage near Houston where you will be offered all the necessary amenities. Even if all these features are not available in the facility that you choose, just ensure that you consider the factors that are most important.

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How to pick a Wisconsin Summer Camp

By Lonnie Lorenz

Northwoods Wisconsin Summer Camp what a great place for your kid. The American Camp Association suggest you ask these top 10 questions.

What's the camp's Purpose? Camps can have many themes: Sports, Traditional or evenScience. You should be comfortable with this theme? Be sure it is a good fit for your child. Competition or cooperation this is a choice you should make at the beginning.? Do you want religious observances or practices? Try to understand all parts of the program

How does the Summer Camp get and train its staff? Counselors should have criminal background checks, First aid training and maybe even Drug Testing. What's the training all about?

What about return rates for campers and counselors ? The ACA says at most camps, 50 percent of the staff returns. If the number you're given is lower, ask why. How many campers return? Fifty percent is good, and more is better. Still looking for that perfect camp Check out this Summer Camp in Wisconsin

What's the ratio of counselors to campers? ACA guidelines for overnight camps call for a 1:6 ratio for ages 7 and 8, 1:8 for ages 9-14; and 1:10 for ages 15-18. Day camp guidelines call for 1:8 for children ages 6-8; 1:10 for children ages 9-14; and 1:12 for ages 15-18.

How old are the counselors? The ACA recommends that 80 percent of the staff be 18 or older and that all staffers be at least 16 and a minimum of two years older than the campers they supervise.

What about Health Care? Overnight camp have a licensed physician or registered nurse on the site daily, Day camps should be have direct phone access. Be sure you are comfortable that the camp will be able to handle your child's special health care needs.

How does the camp Punish campers? Know what your summer camp's rules and regulations. Be sure they match yur parental thoughts. Know what breaches would send a camper home.

What does a camp Day look like? This will help you decide if your child will be happy with the level of physical activity or the amount of time devoted to arts and crafts. Ask how much freedom a child has to choose activities.

Will the camp be transporting the children? Be sure vehicles that are used and inspected. The drivers are trained and have a clean record.

Ask for references. Finally and most important, get the names of parents with children the same age who have attended the camp.

Still need a resource to help you figure out all about summer camps? Try SUMMER CAMP FOR KIDS

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Exciting Things To Do In Cozumel

By Linda Patterson

Cozumel or also known as the Island of the Swallows is an island in the Caribbean that possesses natural beauty. This well known island of Mexico is the second most populated as well as the third largest in Mexico. It is popular because of its coral reefs, white sand beaches, and azure waters of the Caribbean and for housing the ancient ruins left by the Mayans.

San Miguel is the name of its unique city which is well known for its timeless elegance through having colonial and pre-Hispanic architecture, influence and remnants, Mayan archaeological sites, tropical beaches and outdoor adventure activities that will make any visitor's stay more than enjoyable.

In 1960, Jacques Cousteau made the beautiful island's coral reefs well known to the world. From that point on, the island became famous to American divers and its piers welcomed the arrival of tourist luxury cruises which gave Cozumel worldwide popularity.

Cozumel Island's Brief History

Based on research studies, the first settlers were believed to be groups of semi nomadic people that were dedicated to hunting and fishing and arrived around the second century BC.

The second group of settlers arrived in the third century AD and they were made up of the Mayas that came from the Peten region of Guatemala.

The chontal Mayans were the 3rd migrant waves that arrived the island of Cozumel in the 8th century and were dedicated navigators and traders. They introduced the worship of the god Ix Chel among the others.

Juan de Grijalva from Spain discovered the island on May 3rd 1518 and named the island Santa Cruz de la Puerta Latina, in English, Holy Cross of the Latin Port and after held the first Catholic mass on the Mexican territory.

Herman Cortes disembarked in Cozumel in 1519 and started the conquest of Mexico where Geronimo de Aguilar joined to be one of the first interpreters of Mayan Language to Spanish.

It was during the colonization that the island San Miguel de Xamancab which was named by Francisco de Montejo in 1527 was abandonment and eventually became a refuge for pirates.

During the middle of the 19th century, families from Valladolid, Saban Tihosuco and also Chemas in the Yucatan state started to repopulate the island as well as build settlements in El Cedral which was originally known as Oy ib situated in the south and San Miguel on the northwest coast due to the War of the Casts in 1847.

The Beautiful Celerain Lighthouse

The Celerain Lighthouse is located at the southern tip of Cozumel Island and it is within the Punta Sur, Cozumel's largest ecological reserve. This area is inhabited by a number of plant and animal species. Moreover, you can visit the navigation museum where you can learn Cozumel's history plus the evolution of navigation ever since the ancient Mayan civilization right until today.

The Mayans used El Caracol which is an antique lighthouse or ancestral structure to warn their population about the coming of a hurricane.

Island Exploration

One of several best methods to enjoy Cozumel is riding a car simply because this enables you to see its long shoreline, which provides an impressive sight of the beautiful beaches.

A lot of amazing attractions await in Cozumel. You can visit the Chankanaab National Marine Park, go on a dinner cruise, take a swim at the beach, go on a deep sea adventure, safari tour, shop for bargains, and enjoy authentic Mexican foods and a whole lot more.

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Thursday, June 20, 2013

Locating The Top Motel Cody Wyoming Offers For Yellowstone Travelers

By Lila Barry

The primary advantage of staying in any motel Cody Wyoming has listed in the book is that it is likely to be perfect for visitors heading towards Yellowstone or coming back. Almost all visitors enter via US-14 or the regional airport will eventually want to drive another 50 miles to Yellowstone. The city therefore serves as a gateway for park visitors, with motels lined up all the way to the park.

Perhaps it would be helpful to backtrack a bit and explain the geography in more detail. Visitors passing through come either by road tracking the Shoshone River on US-14 from Powell, or land directly at Yellowstone Regional Airport. Either way, they must then drive through the city and then for another 50 miles on US-14-16-20 to the national park's east entrance.

Airport travelers can choose to stay nearby, such as parts of the city that are close to Beck Lake's scenic shores. This location is very convenient for people who need to fly in and out quickly. It provides easy access to both the urban area and the airport, and has the added benefit of being a very scenic spot.

Most affordable and decent establishments within Cody are located along the highway as it follows a rectangular path through urban areas. A big bunch of hotels and motels can be found at and near the corner of 17th Street and Sheridan Avenue. There are many more as travelers move forward on Sheridan Ave and then on 8th Street.

The highway heads out of Cody after 8th Street, and more motels can be found on Yellowstone Ave near the Riverside cemetery and Ponderosa campsites. These establishments welcome travelers returning from the park and are also suitable for people seeking a base for daily forays into the outdoors. Some may prefer to stay further ahead on West Yellowstone Avenue, where the highway and river almost come together as they pass through Shoshone National Forest.

Motels further ahead at the Buffalo Bill Reservoir's shoreline offer an even more scenic place to stay along the highway. The last leg of the drive between the reservoir and park has a few motels, and there are some more right up-close to Yellowstone's east entrance. Travelers faced with so many choices from the airport to the park should select the right one that is best suited for their itinerary.

Visitors such as business travelers flying in and out on a quick visit may prefer a location near the airport. Tourists who plan to see the sights and then visit Yellowstone will want to stay in the city, close to famous tourist attractions. The property should ideally be close to tourist hotspots such as the Buffalo Bill Historical Center and Cody Night Rodeo.

Outdoor enthusiasts and roadtrippers may prefer a location closer to Yellowstone, with sweeping vistas and the possibility of scenic drives going both ways. President Teddy Roosevelt, who spent his later years exploring Americana by road, once famously noted that the road between Cody and Yellowstone was the "most scenic 50 miles in the world." if nothing else, this means that every motel Cody Wyoming has listed for this section will have superb views and is likely to provide a relaxing and comfortable stay.

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A Useful Gude To Your Jordan Holidays

By Lex Catter

Jordan is amongst the top locations in the Middle East to travel on holiday. There are various impressive landmark sites to visit on your Jordan holidays. Amman, the capital city of Jordan, in itself is a wonderful traveller location swarmed by a huge number of people from all over the entire world.

The Jordan travel industry has taken best suited steps to make Jordan among the most secure and highly delightful destinations for travelers from throughout the world. The fact that it is actually located in the Middle East hasn't stopped a large number of tourists from travelling to this unique kingdom each and every year. There's a lot in the country to experience so the time you set aside for your Jordan holidays may not be sufficient and may even make you wish to extend the break.

Jordan's capital city, Amman, has numerous landmark places that may appeal to tourists. Galleries and museums present in the city would definitely top this list. If you're an motor vehicle enthusiast, you'd probably first want to check out the 'Royal Automobile Museum' featuring the autos and bikes owned by King Hussein. You would get to see the real fantastic vintage motor vehicles as well as the modern ones owned by the late king. You can also watch video footages of the motor vehicles being utilised during the time period of the late king.

You may also like to pay a visit to another excellent museum named 'The Jordan Museum' while you're in Amman. It is like a one-stop center to learn about the unique history and culture of Jordan. It actually is managed in a world-class fashion. You're not charged anything at all in order to enter and have a look around.

If you have brought kids with you on your holiday, then you most definitely shouldn't forget to take all of them to the children's museum. It's a 6-year old museum having more than a hundred and fifty shows for kids to interact with and enjoy them selves. Typically the entrance fee is only 3JD per person.

For those who have interest in the archaeological remains of Jordan, then you may want to check out 'The Citadel'. It can unquestionably enrich your practical knowledge regarding Jordan history. You'll also find some excellent vistas from this excellent place. They're unquestionably a photographer's delight.

The Roman amphitheatre is one additional excellent spot to see whilst you're in the city of Amman. It is actually close to 2000 years old. This unique theater appeared to be the primary origin of entertainment those years. It's utilized even today for lots of theatre events.

You'll find yet another excellent archaeological site in the city of Petra known as the Siq. The Siq is around 1.5 Km long and it could basically be regarded as the doorway to the city of Petra. The ancient remains which anyone can discover on this site are visually delightful. As a matter of fact, this amazing city is one among the current Seven Wonders of the World. The inhabitants of this city 2000 years in the past were supposed to be experts in water technology. It had been reigned over by the Nabataea Empire then.

Another impressive historical place in Jordan which is worth travelling to on your Jordan Trips certainly is the city of Jerash. It is said that this excellent city came to life while the Romans reigned over it at least two thousand years back. Each of the ancient ruins inside the city are still preserved without having any manipulations. They had been all concealed in sand for quite a few 100's of years before they had been uncovered and thus restored over the last hundred years.

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Superb Features Of A Nuevo Vallarta Rental

By Grace Daniels

The world of rentals is expanding amazing with better ones being introduced in the market. With the wide list of companies offering this service, you can never miss it. When looking for a rental, there a number of things you need to be keen on in order to end at the right one. It is also important to look for a good service provider that will leave you satisfied with the results. There are some great features that a person finds in a Nuevo Vallarta rental.

Recreational facilities are provided to ensure a comfortable stay. There are well built relaxation features where parents and their young ones spend time having fun. Things like hot tubs, swimming pools and gyms are readily availed to increase the comfort of staying in such facilities. Drinks of any kinds are readily available in shops around for those who may wish to buy. This features helps a lot in attracting more visitors to the place.

The service providers are also known to offer great customer services. This helps to maintain a steady flow of visitors from time to time who might be in need of this service. There are caterers who ensure that all your needs re catered for to enable you have a comfortable stay at the place. This is one factor that makes these service providers reliable making most prefer to access their great service.

The charge for their service is also fair. The rental owners have set up measures aimed at reducing the cost for their service. With this, they are able to draw in a greater percentage of customers to access the service of these facilities. In regards to the great service you receive from these companies the prices can be termed as reasonable.

Another great aspect to expect in such a rental is a high level of security. Owners provide top class security in order to safeguard their property as well as their visitors. You can therefore count on them when it comes to your safety and that of your belongings. This feature makes these rentals reliable to most people in this city who once had access to the service.

The venues are built in the most attractive and appealing way. Renovation is done time after time to improve the appearance of these rentals. This means that you can get all the features to expect in a good rental in this place. This helps to draw in visitors from different geographical areas who wish to spend their vacations in this city.

Location is another great thing about these rentals. The facilities are located just a few meters from the main road where anyone can see them without any hassle. This helps to attract a large number of clients inclusive of travelers who may wish to spend their night in this town.

It is clear that the availability of these service providers is of great help to people living in Nuevo Vallarta. It is therefore an advice to anyone seeking this service to visit this place and experience the service of these great rentals. This will ensure you have an amazing vacation that will always remain memorable to you. A Nuevo Vallarta rental is therefore among the wide list of the best rental a person can get.

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Things To See & Do In Tampa, Florida

By Jony Mozen

Pro Sports. Tampa is also home to some of the finest teams in professional sports. The Tampa Bay Rays were Eastern Division & American League Champions in 2008. Tropicana Field is the only Major League ballpark with an artificial surface and all-dirt base paths, and is the world's only professional sports facility that features a 10,000-gallon fish tank in the outfield, which is filled with Rays that fans can swim with and touch. Tropicana Field features the world's second-largest cable-supported domed roof (after the Georgia Dome). The Tampa Bay Buccaneers were Super Bowl Champions in 2003. The Bucs joined the NFL in 1976. Led by Coach John Gruden and the league's top defense, the 2002 Buccaneers won the NFC South title with the team's best ever record, 12-4, and went on to rout Gruden's former team, the Oakland Raiders who had the league's number one offense, by a score of 48-21 in Super Bowl XXXVII.

Busch Gardens is guaranteed to delight everyone in the family from seniors to grandkids. There are thrill rides and cool rides, animal attractions, play areas for children. The park is divided into nine different areas fashioned after locations in Africa. Morocco, at the park entrance, features shops, eateries and three theaters presenting great live shows. Nairobi has the Great Ape Domain, a three-acre habitat of Lowland Gorillas and chimpanzees. Serengeti Plain has the largest collection of the park's animals where more than 800 animals roam in a natural habitat setting. Egypt has Montu, the Southeast's longest and tallest inverted roller coaster. Timbuktu offers roller coasters and other midway rides. Congo is host to Kumba, the Southeast's fastest steel rollercoaster. Stanleyville features the Stanley Falls Log Flume and the Tanganyika Tidal Wave, plus the Bird Gardens and Land of the Dragons, an adventure play area for children.

Adventure Island is a 25-acre waterpark with loads of twisting and turning slides and water attractions. The Water Moccasin is a 6-story-high twisting, high-speed, extra-wide water slide. Tampa Typhoon has a 76-foot near free-fall drop. Splash Attack is a 12-level tree house with more than 50 slides, water jets and rope climbs. Visitors young and old will entertained for hours. Paradise Lagoon is a giant swimming pool for the whole family with waterfalls, jumping platforms, cannonball slides, and translucent water tubes. Riptide is a four-lane mat slide with a 55-foot drop inside your own enclosed tube. Aruba Tuba is a twisted slide ride that is fast, wet, and a whole lot of fun. Calypso Coaster flume ride will get you soaked then spill you into the calm Rambling Bayou River. Caribbean Corkscrew swirls you through 230-feet of intertwined translucent tubes giving you the tumbling of your life. The last blast is a wet, whirling ride through the 47-foot decelerator lane. Everglides is a floating toboggan ride that speeds down a 72-foot watery incline then skims you across the pool's surface while you hydroplane up to 20 yards before coming to a stop. Gulf Scream propels you down a massive 210-foot body slide at speeds exceeding 25 miles per hour till you make one big splash in the pool below.

Key West Rapids is a 6-story tube ride through more than 700-feet of gnarly twists, turns, speedy slopes, gushers, water mines, pools and showers before landing in a splash pool. Runaway Rapids is a high-speed adventure combining altitude with attitude. Push off the peak of a 34-foot mountain, then twist and turn your way to a watery finish. Wahoo Run is the ultimate family raft ride that plunges up to five riders more than 15-feet-per-second through a twisting, turning 600-ft. half-enclosed tunnel water flume that corkscrews into a waiting splash pool. Four waterfall curtains make sure riders get soaked. Water Moccasin is a triple-tube thriller that snakes through an unpredictable spiraling slide and delivers maximum fun. Attractions include Endless Surf, 17,000-sq.-ft. wave pool where every few minutes, you'll be treated to rolling surf with waves up to five feet high.

Fabian's Fun Port is sized just right for smaller hands and kid-size courage with a mini wave pool, plus bubbly springs and jumping jets for spraying and playing. Paradise Lagoon is so tropical, you may find yourself happily lost in every moment of action-packed adventure where you can jump off a cliff (a 20-foot platform) or swing on a vine (a sturdy cable) in this 9,000-sq.-ft. cool pool with slides and waterfalls. Rambling Bayou gives you a break from the excitement and still keeps you cool on this calm, half-mile tube trip through a colorful rain forest featuring lush landscapes, tropical waterfalls even rain and fog. Splash Attack empties a 1000-gallon wooden bucket every seven minutes to get you really wet and the 500-ft. twisting open flumes and closed tubes are gushing with swirling water. Plus a huge tree house with more than 50 water play toys like jets, levers, and rope pulls, plus twisting slides, bridges, cargo nets and web crawls add to the fun. Spike Zone has white-sand volleyball courts that would impress the pros. Play or watch the action from under funbrellas on the grass-covered seating area.

Don't forget to mark your calendars for these annual festivals: the Gasparilla Pirate Fest in January, The Florida State Fair in February, the Florida Strawberry Festival in March, the Ruskin Tomato & Heritage Festival in May, and the Ruskin Seafood Fest in November. Visit Tampa now and discover how historic Old Florida blends well with the modern, upscale style of some of the most beautiful, master-planned communities for families and retirees. Yes, climate, dining and shopping, cultural attractions, educational and business opportunities, and the beautiful beaches help make Tampa home to a wonderful lifestyle. Tampa is a lot more than beautiful sunsets! Make it your home, too.

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