Tuesday, December 18, 2012

A Guide To A Safe Beach Escape

By Douk R Harper

On one occasion, I made a decision to visit the beach and also commit several days there. I was alone so I copied good friends that I had seen buy stun gun gadgets and obtained one to use during my stay there.

I learned about stun guns from my best friend. These are non deadly defense weapons which give an electric shock towards a target's body via direct contact. They do not give irreversible physical injury. They only disable the assailant for a few minutes. This lets the victim to call for help.

My shopping partner at the office told me about her multi-function stun device. It was charged with 4.5 million volts as well as had an alarm, a double pin wrist strap, emergency lights as well as an LED flashlight. Being a flashlight stun device, this offered high visibility in the dark and improved her aim during the night.

I saw my uncle's slender stun gun, also. This was packed with 300,000 volts and he stated was likewise available with 100,000 volts. This was one of those low voltage stun devices that would shock the attacker mildly, lowering the consequence of getting hurt.

After a couple of days of discernment, I bought a 4.5 million volt cell phone stun weapon. It resembles a camera cellphone and is built with a 12 LED flashlight. Camouflaged stun guns make the attacker feel that you're simply holding a normal cellular phone. They won't realize that they are going to be stunned right up until the last minute.

I would like to have an evening beach stroll thus I took my camera phone stun weapon with me. I sat on a large washed up log and looked at the ocean.

From out of nowhere, a man showed up and sat next to me. He talked to me nicely however, given that there wasn't any one around, he began to have his way. I defended myself right away.

I ran towards my cottage and locked everything. I reported what happened to the resort authorities and made a decision to sleep it off. Now, I know that people's decision to buy stun gun products is a smart one.

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Shisha Shop

By John McCree

These days, you can see quite a few hookah bars and hookah shops in the U.S. primarily because of the rise in popularity of hookahs. The calming effect of shisha is among the reasons why hookah and shisha demand are going up. As with every other product in the current times, most of the shisha sales take place on the net. It does not mean that a local shisha shop does not have any sales. It definitely does. Shisha shops tend to be more heavily concentrated in the same type of areas where hookah lounges are located; larger ethnic towns, and near colleges and universities.

What Can I Find at Shisha Shops?

Generally, any item associated with smoking shisha can be found at a store. This includes all the parts of the smoking device, commonly referred to as the "hookah", as well as maintenance materials, and the shisha tobacco itself. Popular store items consist of:

1. Shisha tobacco - The flavorful tobacco that is burnt in the hookah is called shisha. The flavors are usually fruit based. Some preferred brands are Starbuzz, Fantasia and Nakhla, while some of the most widely used flavors are banana split, mango and pink lemonade.

2. Hookah Pipes - The smoking device utilized to purify and inhale the shisha smoke. You can various sizes, shapes and price ranges in hookah pipes. Some pipes are designed elegantly to be used as an ornamental piece in the house, while some are large with several hoses that can be used for multiple smokers in one shisha session.

3. Charcoal - Without fire, hookahs would be impossible to smoke. Since coal is so important, it is available at almost each and every shisha store. As straightforward as it may seem, charcoals can have considerably different features. You will find self igniting charcoal that needs to be light on one side and the remaining charcoal burns itself. There are charcoals that need to be heated in a charcoal heater or in a fire. Most point out that self lighting charcoals burn out quickly and that the temperature of the charcoal isn't optimal resulting in chemical taste in a hookah session.

4. Hookah Accessories - Hoses, bowls, bases, stems, wind covers, trays, mouth tips, and cleaning materials, the accessories entail anything associated with hookah smoking that facilitates or enhances the experience. Two of the most used accessories are steel charcoal screen and hookah grommets. A charcoal screen is used instead of aluminum foil and a grommet is used to airtight the hookah at the connecting parts.

Web Based Shisha Stores

You can also buy shisha products on the web. However, purchasing goods on the Internet has a few disadvantages:

1. You'll have to wait several days for the product to arrive

2. Products cannot be examined physically before purchase

3. Can't see all the choices closely

Online purchasing is ideal when the buyer is more experienced and knows what flavor he or she would like, which brands he trusts, and is ready to wait a couple of days for the purchase to arrive.

If this sounds like a route you are ready to take, a simple Google search can lead you to some fantastic resources to facilitate a purchase.

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Where Did Hookah Bars Come From?

By John McCree

Originally made popular the in the U.S. in the 1960's and 70's, hookah smoking is becoming progressively common ever since the turn of the century. A hookah bar is a business establishment where individuals come with their buddies to enjoy a "hookah". One can readily locate these bars near universities and colleges and in very populated cities.

Brief History

Hookah and the idea of hookah bars originated 500 years ago in the subcontinent close to where currently is the border of India and Pakistan. These bars are chiefly linked to the middle east as it was the origin of hookah and the region from where hookah gained a lot of popularity. Hookah bars became popular in the Middle East as the places where customers used to socialize and smoke hookah with friends.

Features of Hookah Bars

Bars that are designed to mimic the region of origin of hookah have generally Arab people operating them. The furnishings are according to the Middle Eastern culture of Indian culture. At a few bars, nothing is served besides hookah. Several, however, serve coffee, sodas, and snacks at a minimum. The vast majority of smaller lounges do not have a liquor license and they don't serve liquor. However, in larger cities, many trendier establishments serve alcohol, generally with a full bar available for cocktails, wine, and beer. It is not uncommon to see belly dancers, live bands, or DJs in the more trendy urban hookah bars because they look like a "night club" more closely than a community social establishment.

Hookah bars that are near institutions are more casual and draw in a lot of students. Hookah is believed to be less dangerous than smoking cigarettes, cigars or other things and therefore hookahs are gaining a lot of popularity. Also, as college years are generally a time of new experiences, frequent social interaction, and building strong connections, the hookah lounge lends itself well to college life. The cities which are popular for having several secondary education institutions in the U.S. have noticed a great increase in the popularity of hookah bars.

The Mysterious Hookah

Now you must be thinking what a hookah is? What is so special about this device that it is becoming popular all across the globe. Hookah was designed by a Persian physician in the late 1500's. It was called as a "huqqa". This name has remained with this device since that time, however, as this device traveled around the world it gained several other names for example hubble-bubble and nargile.

Whilst the primitive hookah looked considerably different, probably made out of coconut shells, the result has always been the same: purify and cool the smoke by passing it through water before inhalation. The structure of the hookah has 4 main components:

1. Bowl - where tobacco is kept.

2. Body - smoke produced from the burning tobacco is passed through the body to reach the water basin.

3. Water Basin - keeps the water, where smoke is passed through to be cooled and purified. Purified smoke remains in the chamber above the water until it is inhaled through the hose.

4. Hose - the smoker puffs on the hose to breathe in smoke from the chamber where it is kept after purification. Ordinarily a hose is approximately one to two meters long.

The end result is a soothing and fragrant smoke.

A senior customer of a prominent hookah business in turkey said:

"What you put in the hookah matters not, but who is along with you while you are smoking. The point is to enjoy. All kinds of people, old, young and fascinating come to bars such as this one. Hookahs bars will remain in the world so long as people want to take out time to enjoy the company of their good friends."

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Finding Power Yacht Charters For Your Use

By Loraine Fitzmaurice

Many people look for various ways to enjoy together with their loved ones and close friends. One way of doing this is through sailing and other water activities. For them to do this, they have to find a water craft to rent or look for power yacht charters.

People who cannot afford to buy yachts for themselves charter motor yachts. This is more cost effective and it costs lower than purchasing one. However, to get the right water craft for their planned trip on the waters, some things have to be done and some factors have to be considered properly.

Finding the companies which offer these rentals is the first step to take. This is not difficult to accomplish because many of them are already in the market to address the demands of the public. You can do this search through various ways which include searching through the world wide web or through recommendations from others.

Before renting one of these, though, the needs of those who will rent it should be pondered on. He needs to determine the estimated number of people who will be on board and how much he can afford for it. It is also necessary for him to think about where, when, and for how long the party will be held.

They should also note that there are different water crafts to choose from like crewed charter yachts. This is suitable for those who just want to relax during the event. This is one of those crafts that you rent which include the staff and crew that will man the boat through the waters.

You also need to think about how much this will cost you. Various companies have different prices for their crafts. You should canvass for this information so that you can compare them and find out which company has the best deal that you can take.

Another matter that he should think about is the insurance coverage. It is best for him to have peace of mind during the trip knowing that any mishap can be covered by the policy. Since most of these rentals demand a down payment, it is also best if he gets a cancellation insurance for any event that might lead to the postponement or cancellation of the trip.

Getting power yacht charters can be done easily with these considerations. All you need to do is weigh your options properly. With the right craft, you will be sure that you have the most fun during your trip and make memorable happenings while you are out there in the sea with your closest friends and family.

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Monday, December 17, 2012

Don't Fall For The Bogus Inca Trail

By Jonny Blair

Is there honestly a 'fake' Inca Trail?

Oh really a fake Inca Trail!!! Each day naive travellers sign up for it and do it without even knowing they're not on the real trail. I'm here to tell you how to make sure you do the real Inca Trail, which let's be honest is what you want to do. You want four days of hiking and camping in the gorgeous valleys of Peru and then on the last morning a 6 kilometre descent down into Machu Picchu, Lost City of the Incas and the highlight of the four amazing days of hiking! First of all - if you are going to South America, I really recommend the Inca Trail. It is amazing. Second of all - make sure you do the Real Proper Inca Trail! I'm about to tell you about the fake ones that exist out there...

At the start of the proper Camino Inka / Inca Trail you will see (and probably be photographed with) a massive sign that says Inka Trail.

So how do you know if the Inca Trail you went on was a 'fake'?? (and how do you know you have done the real Inca Trail?)

1. You weren't required to show your passport on the entrance to the trail (at the start of the Real Inca Trail there is a mandatory passport check - you also have the option of getting a passport stamp)

The start of the Real Inca Trail means you need to show your passport and register at a checkpoint.

2. There wasn't a sign saying Inca Trail at the official entrance.

3. It cost you less than $150 US Dollars (the real Inca Trail just can't be done for less than that) - the real Inca Trail will cost you much more than $150 US Dollars (dependant on porters, type of tents, size of group, season etc.)

4. Your ticket doesn't have the silver hologram on it.

5. You didn't spend your 3rd night in Winay Wayna (a mountainous area with a huge campsite conveniently located just 6 kilometres from Machu Picchu - if you're doing the Real Inca Trail you'll stay here - or at least pass through it and spend a night nearby)

The visitor's centre in Winaywayna is right beside the campsite where you will probably spend your 3rd night.

6. You used a bicycle on any part of the trail (the real Inca Trail doesn't permit bicycles).

7. You arrived at Machu Picchu by bus (honestly, I met people who got a bus to Machu Picchu!! Now come on but if you get there by bus then you know it's not the real Inca Trail)

8. The night before you visited Machu Picchu you didn't stay in a tent (on the Inca Trail the only accomodation will be in tents - if you have stayed in a hotel or hostel, then it's not on the trail)

9. The night before visiting Machu Picchu you spent the night in a town called Aguas Calientes (if this happens, I feel a bit sorry for you, as you won't even have done any part of the real Inca Trail - and possibly done the Salkantay Trek instead. Sure you will love it - but remember you may have been given false information).

10. You arrived in Machu Picchu by climbing to the top of a hill (NB - When you arrive at Machu Picchu on the 4th day of the Inca Trail it will be a downward descent and you will get your first sighting of Machu Picchu on the way down in a place called Intipunku or Intipata.)

11. You finished the trip in 3 days (unless it's under special circumstances as the real hike from Qorihuayrachina to Machu Picchu will be four days - yes I know experienced hikers will do it faster, but this is the actual set route and timescale)

12. The hike you do is called the Salkantay Trek or Machu Picchu Trek (these are also great hikes by the way, but not the Real Inca Trail).

13. You've booked it the day before (There are just 400 places on the Real Inca Trail each day and it almost always sells out fast so booking the day means it's probably not the real Inca Trail.

In closing and not meaning to put a dampener on it, if any of you do another hike, that is also amazing. I'm just trying to let people know that if you want to do the proper real Inca Trail, it will be a four day hike through the hills and valleys of Peru which will end triumphantly at Machu Picchu. There are no settlements, no hotels and no transport at all during the four day hike.

So get to Cusco, get on the Inca Trail and just check it's the proper trail before you pay up and confirm everything.

Don't Stop Living!

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Points To Consider When Finding A Good Jet Charter Los Angeles Has

By Jerry Jensen

Traveling is a necessity in this life. For anybody to go about their business, they need to move from place. When one needs to move, they require a means. This could be based on the distance to be covered or even the convenience desired. One of the common forms of transport these days is chartered jets. Here are some factors to help you in your search for the best jet charter Los Angeles has.

Otherwise known as jet chattering, jet travel is quite an expensive means of transport more than often associated with the extravagant. It is notionally used by persons who want to send a signal of their status or even impress the public. The high costs come with high class services inclusive of world top cuisines, after flight transport services and very fast and reliable transportation.

Whenever one is faced with making such a decision, they have to consider some factors. In the outset, it may look difficult to pick a suitable firm. What one therefore needs is a lot of information. There is no shortage of this. You will find it on the internet, in the brochures and even from other individuals. Take your time to compare everything you get.

Through the process of information gathering you will be able to categorize the different jetliners in terms of their length and competency in the business. You should be careful not to land in the hands of illegal experts who will launder all money in promise of a paradise travel. Normally authentic jetliners are legally registered with the respective government institution, have a proper insurance system and recognition in the market as existing.

You cannot underestimate the value of accessibility and convenience when enjoying the luxuries of jet travel. It would be easy and comfy enough for a traveler to be picked just at the doorstep of their home by the airline company. Select a jetliner that eliminates fears of delays or actually missing flights.

Even though jet services are generally costly, one still needs to consider their budget. It is a luxurious treat, but there are some more expensive than others. It is wise to charter that which is within your purchasing power. One can only bite what they can chew. Overspending could cause problems in the future.

As much as jet travel is used for luxury, majority have used it as the quickest means to get to crucial meetings or attend urgent or short notice appointments. When in such haste, book a trip with a jetliner that will ensure in-time arrivals at the choice destinations. It would be so embarrassing to give a stream of apologies after a heaven tour in a jet.

There are possibilities of making many trips through jet chattering depending on your lifestyle or nature of job. It would be cumbersome to book different jetliners every time a trip necessitates. Furthermore you need to create a shield of service providers you can trust in future. Stick to a single jetliner to earn respect and also facilitate future comfy and easy travels. Take time and choose the best jet charter Los Angeles has.

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Cautiously Selecting The Right Jet Charter West Palm Beach Company

By Rick Newhouse

People that are planning on taking some kind of trip to any particular destination usually face a wealth of decisions that must be made. A large percentage of the considerations that are placed on this effort are simply focused on considering which destination of interest is being traveled to along with how to actually reach that point of destination prior to making any other kind of arrangements. When selecting a jet charter West Palm Beach company consumers are capable of keeping several factors in mind as a portion of their efforts.

Charter jet companies are equipped with the personnel and planes to provide a luxurious and private mode of flying to all their consumers. People that decide to utilize this particular option are often attempting to ensure that as much comfort and appeal as possible is capable of being utilized throughout their travel efforts. The decisions made in this particular industry can be somewhat stressful to make on various levels.

Anyone considering this option in West Palm Beach is faced with plenty of companies to select from. Many people find that attempting to select the right one is much more difficult when focused on the similarities that exist among them. Making the right selection is performed after weighing in various facets of consideration.

Company reputation should be a preliminary facet of review throughout this decision making process. The competition that exists in this industry makes it essential to sort through all the varied followings that have been amassed by leading providers. The companies with the most successful reputations are usually able to provide the most comprehensive services to their clients.

Consumers should also consider the idea of being capable of ensuring the company offers as many destination options as possible. The types of destinations that are offered to consumers are generally based on the need to reach various points of interested that are idealized among consumers and able to be traveled to with ease. People often discover that this category of service is actually somewhat limited in regard to the flight plans they offer which should be carefully focused on.

Jet options that are made available to consumers should also be a major focus in this effort. The types of planes that are managed and utilized are essential in this effort as they are what provide the comfort and luxury that people are often seeking. Planes that are the most spacious and comfortable are usually the ones that generate the most interest.

Flight and passenger requirements are also important to consider in this process. Each company is known to focus on specific requirements that passengers must meet which can be stressful to deal with on multiple levels. The simply reservation and planning efforts available help make this phase of the trip much simpler to manage.

When deciding on the right jet charter West Palm Beach provider people are also interested in their prices. The rates that are paid for this particular service are usually much more expensive than commercial flights. The lowest prices for the highest amount of luxury and comfort should receive the most attention.

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Shisha Shop

By John McCree

As hookahs are becoming popular through the entire U.S., hookah bars and hookah shops are increasing in the country. There is an ever increasing demand of hookahs and shisha in the market. But, as with nearly every physical product of the 21st century, shisha sales and distribution are driven more and more by the online marketplace. That's not to say that the local neighborhood shisha store doesn't have its place. It definitely does. Shisha shops tend to be more heavily concentrated in the same sort of locations where hookah lounges are found; larger ethnic towns, and near colleges and universities.

What Can I Find at Shisha Stores?

You can find anything and everything connected with shisha in a shisha store. This includes all the components of the smoking device, commonly termed as the "hookah", along with maintenance materials, and the shisha tobacco itself. A shisha store usually has:

1. Shisha tobacco - The flavored tobacco that is burnt in the hookah is known as shisha. The flavors are normally fruit based. With the development in manufacturing processes, it has become really simple to add ingredients to tobacco during production and you can find a wide range of unique flavors.

2. Hookah Pipes - It is the smoking device that is used to purify and inhale shisha smoke. Hookah pipes come in a wide variety of sizes, styles, and price ranges. Your choice depends on how you want to use your hookah. If you would like your hookah to be used as a decoration piece, you should purchase a stylish hookah pipe. If you want to take your hookah with you while traveling, a smaller hookah pipe would be considerably better for you.

3. Charcoal - If there is no coal, there is no smoke. You can find a variety of charcoals at nearly every shisha shop. All the charcoals are not the same and charcoals can have significantly different characteristics. Some charcoals are "self-lighting", allowing the smoker to light one portion of the charcoal, and the rest will ignite itself. Other charcoals should be heated in a fire or by a special charcoal heater. Most say that self lighting charcoals burn out quickly and that the temperature of the charcoal is not optimal resulting in chemical taste in a hookah session.

4. Hookah Accessories - There is a long list of things that can be added to a hookah for fashion or for function. Two of the most used accessories are steel charcoal screen and hookah grommets. A charcoal screen is used instead of aluminum foil and a grommet is used to airtight the hookah at the attaching parts.

Modern Day Shisha Stores

If you are not able to find a shisha store near you, you can buy shisha and shisha products on the web. However, there are 3 disadvantages of purchasing your merchandise on the Internet:

1. The item will not arrive until several days

2. Can't smell the shisha flavors prior to purchasing

3. Can't see products firsthand and ask questions to the seller before choosing

Online purchasing is advisable when the buyer is more experienced and knows what flavor he or she would like, which brands he trusts, and is prepared to wait a couple of days for the purchase to arrive.

A quick Google search can turn up numerous online stores that sell hookah and shisha products.

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What Do You Get at a Shisha Shop?

By John McCree

These days, you can see a number of hookah bars and hookah shops in the U.S. since of the popularity of hookahs. Exposure to shisha and its satisfying experience continues to drive demand for shisha suppliers. However, as with nearly every physical product of the 21st century, shisha sales and distribution are driven more and more by the online market. It doesn't mean that a local shisha shop doesn't have any sales. It definitely does. Shisha shops tend to be more heavily concentrated in the same sort of locations where hookah lounges are found; larger ethnic towns, and near universities and colleges.

What Can I Find at Shisha Stores?

Usually, anything associated with smoking shisha can be found at a store. This includes all the components of the smoking device, commonly known as the "hookah", along with maintenance equipment, and the shisha tobacco itself. A shisha store normally has:

1. Shisha tobacco - This is the flavored tobacco, which is burned to create the smoke. With the advancement in manufacturing procedures, it has become really simple to add ingredients to tobacco in the course of manufacturing and you can get a wide variety of unique flavors.

2. Hookah Pipes - The smoking device used to purify and inhale the shisha smoke. Hookah pipes come in a wide variety of sizes, styles, and price ranges. Some are larger with multiple hoses, some are smaller with travel case manufactured for frequent travel, while others are even appropriate as sophisticated household decorations in addition to smoking devices.

3. Charcoal - Without fire, hookahs would be impossible to smoke. Since coal is so important, it is available at almost each and every shisha store. It might seem that charcoals are all the same, but it is far from the truth. There are self igniting charcoal that needs to be light on one side and the remaining charcoal burns itself. Other kinds of charcoal may need to be heated in fire or a charcoal heater. Most say that self lighting charcoals burn out quickly and that the temperature of the charcoal isn't optimal resulting in chemical taste during a hookah session.

4. Hookah Accessories - There is a large list of stuff that can be added to a hookah for fashion or for function. Two of the most common accessories are steel charcoal screen and hookah grommets. A charcoal screen can be used instead of aluminum foil and a grommet is used to airtight the hookah at the connecting parts.

Present Day Shisha Shops

If you are not able to find a shisha store in your area, you can purchase shisha and shisha products on the Internet. Nevertheless, buying goods on the Internet has some disadvantages:

1. Have to wait a couple of days before product arrives

2. Can't physically examine the merchandise before purchasing

3. No merchant to ask questions to

Internet stores are ideal for those who know what kind of shisha flavor they want and which brand they want.

A quick Google search can turn up numerous online stores that sell hookah and shisha items.

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Sunday, December 16, 2012

Guide To Planning A Vacation To Lanzarote

By Alvie T Leavan

Are you planning to make a trip to Lanzarote anytime soon? Lanzarote is a small island in the Canary Islands, which boasts of spectacular views and accommodating weather that holidaymakers will love. There are lots of things to do and enjoy but before you can do so, you should have to plan the vacation first. Considering the fast pace and demanding life that we lead today, it would help if you plan the trip so you won't miss a thing. In addition, planning allows you to maximize the benefits that vacation offers. There are vacation basics that you have to deal with first such as flight and accommodation. In this case, you should think about going online, in sites like AllThingsLanzarote.com as this can be the easiest means of arranging for both.

Booking a flight isn't that difficult as the online search facility lets you find the ideal flight. But make it a point to book ahead so you still have time to check and take advantage of the best offers.

The choice of accommodation is often more difficult than flight arrangement since the place you stay while you're in Lanzarote can make or break the entire experience. This is to say that you need to be careful when sorting out the accommodation options. Again, it would be easier if you can check online. Try visiting the site of AllThingsLanzarote and you will have access to numerous options for villas and hotels. Your budget will play an important role in the choice of accommodation.

Regardless of your budget, you will find a lodging option that you can afford. Booking weeks in advance is also important in this case. This gives you a guarantee that you would find the room that suits your budget and taste. During the search process, remember to go through reviews that could give you an idea on the quality of the place you are interested in.

It is also necessary that you make a research on the things to see and do in Lanzarote so as to help you with the itinerary. This is very useful especially if you only have a few days to stay there. Come up with the list of attractions you'd like to see and list them according to importance. This way, you can make the most of your trip and you won't have regrets about not being able to do what you want to.

All Things Lanzarote offers valuable information on the places to visit and activities to do. It would benefit you if you could find time to know what your options are. Other than these things, you should also make arrangements for whatever would be affected with your being away from home. And of course, you have the packing to do.

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